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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Treeman: The Cure

36-year old, Dede, from Indonesia is afflicted with a terrible disease that is encasing his body with tree like roots. Thick branch like growths on his hands and feet make him incapable of carrying out even the simplest tasks. He can no longer work, therefore, he cannot provide financially for his 2 teenage children.

The tree like roots on Dede's body grow up to 5cm a year and he has hundreds of smaller growths all over his face and body.

American dermatologist, Dr Gaspari, hears of Dede's story and goes to Indonesia to meet Dede. He finds that Dede suffers from the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), or common warts.

Dede's case is extreme, because he has a low immune deficiency that has allowed the virus to flourish to a massive, deforming infection.

Though Dr. Gaspari offers to try to cure Dede with drug treatments, Indonesian doctors have moved forward with surgeries to remove Dede's warts.

Caught On Camera: Snake Devours Crocodile After 5 Hour Battle

Snake Devours Crocodile After 5 Hour Battle

Monday, March 3, 2014

Nigeria's First Indigenous Drone Flight - Gulma Tactical UAV NAF 6

The Countries first unmanned aerial vehicle, GULMA, designed and constructed by the Nigerian Airfrce (NAF). 

A presentation to President Goodluck Jonathan in Kaduna Tuesday December 17, 2013,